Volunteer to the Amazon - Thank you Connie
It is wonderful to be able to see that the word of God is so real, not only in our lives but in what is around us. Malachi 1:11 speaks of the fact that in every place the name of God is great and I could see that on this trip to the Amazon region.

Recap. Amazon Trip June 2018
This past summer several members of the PG team had the opportunity to make a trip to the Amazon in order to follow up with several villages in discipleship, pastoral training, and logistics with several teams that came to help, of course, we could not do all this work without people dedicated to supporting this ministry.

Being Faithful in the Small Things
Sometimes it’s easy to want life to be a string of big exciting events. But most of the time, it’s a series of small, seemingly insignificant choices and events that lead into those big, exciting moments. As we continue forward with the vision of Proyecto Global and seek opportunities to share the vision God has placed on our hearts, we find ourselves seeing more and more the importance of the small things.

Tri-Border Dinner
Thank you to everyone who came and supported Proyecto Global at our benefit dinner. We called it the “Tri-Border Dinner” because Leticia, Colombia (the city in the heart of the Amazon region in Colombia) lies on the border of Peru and Brasil – areas that are also in need of aviation and ministry into the least reached tribal communities.

Small Engine Repair Training in the Amazon
In the month of November, three members of the team, Dexter, Jhonny and Nicolas went on their most recent adventure to the Tri-Border Amazon Region representing Proyecto Global. Three gentlemen from I-TEC; Steve B, Jim and Robby; and Joshua Chang representing Green Window Ministries accompanied them on the trip.

I-FIX Training & CONPLEI Conference
In one week, November 8, three of our PG team members (Jhonny, Nicolas and Dexter) will be heading to Leticia, Colombia for an indigenous church leaders’ conference and a small engine repair training course.
CONPLEI is a conference that will be held in the Brasilian Amazonas region, just across the border from Leticia.

God so loved us...
“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” – 1 John 4:9-11

Discipleship & Church Planting Training
In June we had the privilege of going to Heaven’s Landing Retreat in West Virginia for a week. While there we received training in a discipleship and church-planting model through World Missions Evangelism. WME has been involved in Honduras planting hundreds of churches and seeing the Gospel go forth through many communities. It’s an exciting work that God is doing there!

Thank You For Your Support!
It was so encouraging for us to see people from many different locations who were willing to make the trip to visit us at the Marion County Airport. We’re also grateful to I-TEC (www.itecusa.org) who allowed us to use their facility to host this event. We are excited about the opportunities that God is putting before us and……

Sharing the PG Vision and Mission
Our Proyecto Global team was invited to attend a Spanish church in Orlando and share the vision and mission of PG. It was a great privilege to visit IPUL (Igelsia Penetecostal Unida de Latinoamerica) this past month, connect with the people there and hear their hearts and passion to partner with taking the Gospel around the world. Thanks for hosting us, IPUL!!

The Wonder of God
Wonder. That’s what I thought of when I saw this photo. All those young, innocent eyes just looking at each other with curiosity and intrigue. I wish I could’ve heard what their little minds were thinking. And since we’re all wonderfully made in the image of God, maybe they were experiencing a little bit of that as they were just looking at one another. Kind of like seeing a little piece of God that you never saw before.

We were blessed by the willingness of the media department at I-TEC to help us organize and create the video you see above. It gives a picture of the heart of Proyecto Global – our vision and mission in the aviation field. Though we see PG as extending far beyond aviation, we are excited that God seems to be opening the door for us to move forward with this aspect of the ministry.