For almost fifty years, there has been no presence of mission aviation, specifically in the southern areas of the Colombian territory where the Amazon Jungle is located.
Ironically ,while the rest of the world was advancing, they have regressed in terms of general aviation in this region. Unfortunately, most of the mission aviation organizations, churches and missionaries were forced to leave these areas and eventually the country itself, due to political situations. Those who stayed, sacrificed their lives doing what they loved, reaching the lost.
Over the last ten years, Proyecto Global has been working hard to piece together the story behind the past fifty years in reference to mission aviation in this area. It is evident the need for this ministry is great, having more populated areas without access to the Good News! We have also been partnering with organizations, churches, working alongside the authorities, doing training and motivating others to reactivate and continue the work that was started many decades back.
After years of research and work, we have very exciting news! With more technology, tools and equipped people willing and ready to be part of this great task, we believe now is the time to act! This great work will allow us to be more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission.
We alone will never be able to do all of this. It is because of you and your partnership with us that this has been possible thus far. For that, we say thank you! Moving forward will be no different. We need you!! There are different ways to get involved. Would you join us? If you are shaking your head yes, we say… Welcome to the team!
To learn more about the ways to connect with and support this vision, please visit our partnership page or contact us info@proyectoglobal.org

At Posada Aviation, our aircraft maintenance and flight services are tailored to our customer’s individual needs. We have a passionate staff who promote and use aviation to glorify God by directing all efforts and benefits towards missionary work through Proyecto Global.